Affiliate Disclosure

Readers like you support us.

At, we are dedicated to keeping our readers informed and up-to-date on all the latest happenings in the streaming industry. In addition, we go to great lengths to create valuable content for our readers. Also, running and maintaining a website requires considerable resources, and one of our primary sources of income is affiliate commission.

We are completely transparent with our readers, so we want to make it clear that when you purchase something through one of the affiliate links on our website, we may receive a small commission without you incurring any additional cost. This commission helps us cover our expenses and keep the website active.

Another benefit of using our affiliate links is that it allows us to secure exclusive deals and coupon codes for our readers because of our extensive readership. So, you will also benefit. For example, if you use our affiliate link to purchase a one-year ExpressVPN subscription, you will receive an additional three months free – a great deal unavailable to direct buyers.

We have featured many VPN services in our reviews, but we are only affiliated with a few that we have interacted with and liked their services. These includes: 

We only recommend products we have personally used and believe to be the best in the industry. Moreover, our reviews are always unbiased and are based on real tests. We do not accept sponsored reviews from any company.

Nonetheless, if you ever have any concerns or issues with our content, please do not hesitate to reach out to us; we will do our best to address them. Still remember, by reading our content and purchasing through our affiliate links, you are supporting directly, and we are grateful for your support.