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Music streaming services provide you to listen to and download your desired music. You can access a vast collection of albums in different languages. Some top music streaming sites are Tidal, Google Play, Amazon Music, Youtube Music, and Spotify.

Everyone wants a piece of the music streaming pie because music is one of the most consistently in-demand forms of art and entertainment. People relate to the music on a different level than other forms of media, and it’s used as a soundtrack to our lives.

With so many music streaming services out there, it can take time to choose the right one. It’s important to ask yourself how you prefer to listen to music since each service caters to a different listening style. In this article, we’ll discuss Qobuz in detail.

What is Qobuz

Qobuz is a music streaming and downloading service founded in 2007. It was launched to offer customers in France an exceptional music experience. Later, the platform expanded its services to other European countries in 2013. In 2019, it became available in the United States. 

Moreover, the site caters to audiophiles and music enthusiasts with high-quality audio. It has a vast library of over 70 million tracks, including classical, jazz, and world music. Different tiers of subscription with lossless and high-resolution audio streaming and downloads. Qobuz also provides expert editorial content, such as reviews, artist interviews, and reviews.


Qobuz is a French streaming service that has become popular in many countries. It was launched in 2007 by Yves Riesel. Later, the platform launched in the United States of America on a trial basis and expanded in May 2019 to the UK, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands. 

It focuses on providing high-quality sound, like Tidal. People who love great sound might find Qobuz exciting. The service is still new, and there are lots of ways it can grow and change in the future.


Qobuz is a modern and user-friendly platform. The white and blue color scheme with simple icons and typography makes it easy to navigate. It highlights new releases and recommends the “Discover” section on the homepage.

The site boasts a well-organized structure that provides music by genre, artist, and album. It also provides users with the “My Qobuz” feature to create playlists and save their favorite tracks, albums, and artists. 

The editorial content, including reviews and interviews, is curated by a team of music experts.

Qobuz has also developed a mobile app for iOS and Android devices with a similar design and structure to the web platform. The website flows like a symphony, mirroring the immersive listening experience that Qobuz offers

Key Features

The platform has a catalog of over 75 million tracks for users to choose from. Some of its notable features include:

High-quality Audio

Qobuz prioritizes sound quality by offering users lossless high-fidelity audio files that other streaming services don’t provide.

Music Library

It covers a vast range of genres like Jazz, Classical, pop, and rock. It provides unique live performances, recordings, and exclusive releases.

Free Downloads

Users can download from Google Play Store for Android and Apple Store for IOS.

Offline Tracks

Qobuz allows you to download tracks and listen to them offline.

Live Music Streaming

You can watch live performances and concerts using Qobuz.

High-end Audio 

Qobuz collaborates with high-end audio equipment companies to promote high-quality audio.

Editorial content

It provides editorial content, including reviews, interviews, and playlists, to help users discover new music.


The platform has a “Discover” section highlighting new releases, recommendations, and curated playlists.

My Qobuz

The “My Qobuz” feature allows users to create their own playlists and save their favorite tracks, albums, and artists.

Social Sharing

It allows you to share your playlist on social media platforms.


Qobuz’s “Favorites” section displays the user’s most frequently played music.


Qobuz is a streaming app with many songs – more than Spotify and YouTube Music. You can either listen to songs online or buy them offline later.

It has playlists created by experts that you can listen to. They also have playlists dedicated to world music’s lesser-known artists. This is an excellent way to discover new music.

The platform wants to be like a vinyl record store in a digital world. They focus on having high-quality sound and unique content. They offer exclusive interviews with artists and digital booklets of albums. This appeals to people who miss owning physical albums.

Top 10 Music Albums

  1. Kind of Blue: Kind of Blue is a highly acclaimed Jazz album released in 1959 by American trumpeter Miles Davis. It is considered one of the most important and influential jazz albums of all time.
  2. Abbey Road: Abbey Road is the eleventh studio album by the Beatles, released in 1969. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most iconic albums in the history of popular music.
  3. The Dark Side of the Moon: “The Dark Side of the Moon” is the eighth studio album by the UK’s rock band Pink Floyd, released in 1971. It is one of the most and all-time greatest influential albums in the history of rock music. The album’s concept explores themes of life, death, and the human condition. One of the most repeated and iconic songs such as “Money,” “Time,” and “Us and Them.” 
  4. Songs in the Key of Life: Songs in the Key of Life” is the eighteenth studio album by the American musician Stevie Wonder, released in 1971. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest albums in popular music history and a milestone in Stevie Wonder’s career. 
  5. Thriller” by Michael Jackson: “Thriller” is the 6th studio album by the US pop icon Michael Jackson released in 1982.
  6. Graceland: The American musician Paul Simon released the ” Graceland ” album in 1986. The album was a critical and commercial success. This album is a landmark in world music. Famous songs from the album are “You Can Call Me Al,” “Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes,” and the title track “Graceland.”
  7. The Chronic: In 1992, Paul Simon released “The Chronic” album. The album features a combination of funk, soul, and gangsta rap. One of the selling hip-hop albums of all time.
  8. OK Computer: In 1997, British Band Radiohead released “OK Computer.” The album was a masterpiece and a landmark in alternative rock music.  The album’s themes and sonic innovations have influenced many other artists in the years since its release. 
  9. Back to Black: The “Back to Back” album B.B. King and Bobby was released in 1976 and contained some of the artists’ most well-known songs.  The album has also been influential in popularizing blues music among wider audiences.
  10. To Pimp a Butterfly: To Pimp a Butterfly” album by American rapper Kendrick Lamar. released in 2015, and it had hailed as a landmark in contemporary hip-hop music.    “To Pimp a Butterfly” is a powerful and influential album. It has solidified Kendrick Lamar’s place as one of the most important artists in hip-hop today.


It is a digital music streaming service that provides a vast library of high-quality music. To enjoy Qobuz, you must create an account and subscribe to one of their plans. Once you have an account, you can use their mobile app or website to browse, discover and stream music. 

It is compatible with multiple devices, including smartphones, Laptops, computers, tablets, and others.

Furthermore, Qobuz is designed to work with third-party devices and apps. It provides flexible music streaming services on a variety of devices. 

Mobile/Desktop Experience

Qobuz’s web browser player is just as good as the app. It doesn’t matter which device you use to listen to; you’ll get excellent sound quality, smooth streaming, and a beautiful design.

It has a rating of 4.7 stars out of 5 on the Apple App Store after 2.6 thousand ratings. You can enjoy Qobuz’s amazing listening experience anywhere you go.

Pricing and Plans

Now, things aren’t looking too good, unfortunately. Qobuz seems to be aimed at older professionals, and the prices show this. No matter your subscription, it will cost more than other similar services. The prices do change sometimes, but these are the current prices.

Studio Premiere: You pay $14.99 monthly for high-quality streaming, offline listening, exclusive interviews, and content, and the first month is free.

Sublime Plus: You pay $24.99 monthly for everything Premiere offers, plus discounts on purchases and exclusive deals. The first month isn’t free for this option.

Suggestions that We Have for Qobuz

Qobuz should make their prices more affordable. If they lower their prices, more people could use their service. They could offer a $10/month option to start.

Another suggestion is to provide a free version with ads and limited features. Right now, only some people are willing to pay $15 a month without being sure whether Qobuz is an exemplary service for them or not.

Also, if they charge $25/month for a premium tier, they must offer discounts on downloads. After all, the point of using a music streaming app is to avoid downloading files. Qobuz needs to rethink its pricing tiers.


Qobuz is a great music streaming platform that offers an extensive list of music albums in different languages. Although the site is a newcomer to the music platform, it has gained a high reputation by providing a high-quality music streaming experience.

Moreover, it boasts exciting features, making it an excellent choice among other music streaming giants. You can access Qobuz on any internet-compatible device, as it supports a large number of devices.

The platform’s eye-catching design and user-friendly interface make it easy to navigate, even for beginners. So, if you are a music enthusiast and want to listen to the latest music, Qobuz is the perfect spot.


Yes, Qobuz is safe. It is a legitimate music streaming service that has been around since 2007 and music lovers worldwide. Qobuz takes the security and privacy of its users. and employs industry-standard security measures to protect user data and transactions. 

Yes, Qobuz is a certified and licensed music service, meaning that it has the legal right to stream and distribute music to its users.

Spotify has the most songs, over 85 million! Qobuz and Tidal both have around 70 million catalogs.

VPN is optional for accessing Qobuz, as it is available in many regions. Users can download the app or access the website without needing a VPN.

Qobuz is an ad-free music streaming service that uses a subscription-based model. This means users pay a monthly fee to access the entire music library without any interruptions from ads.

There are several legal alternatives to Qobuz, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and YouTube Music. These options offer comparable features and a large collection of music 

Qobuz doesn’t have ads, so you don’t need to worry about blocking them. It’s a paid music streaming service, which means users pay a monthly fee to access the entire library without any interruptions from ads.

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  • High-quality audio streaming with lossless
  • Live Concerts, Interviews, and performances are available on Qobuz
  • Music catalog: around 75 million audio songs and 200K music videos are available
  • Share favorite playlists on social media
  • Personalized recommendations and playlists
  • Listen to your favorite tracks offline after downloading
  • Supports IOS, Android, Mack Book, Tablet devices, and multiple platforms

  • Just free for 30 seconds track and has no free ad-supported option
  • Limited social features are available
  • Subscription of Qobuz is expensive compared to other streaming services
  • Only availability in 25 countries

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